Common sense isn't.
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I stumbled across the Interaction Garden on a rainy May First Saturday afternoon, during a walk around part of the Purdue University campus ( map1, map2 both now at archive, 2004). The garden and selection of quotes on plaques set into concrete walkways struck a chord with me, and I took a couple pictures despite the rainy weather. It was serendipity (now at archive, 2004).
Over the next few months I remembered the place and wished I had taken more pictures. One thing (Warning: Google link) led to another (now at archive, 2004), and John Collier graciously provided pictures of the plaques and garden.
I did not know Martha or the other people who created this garden, but I've had similar friends, and I dedicate this web page to all their memories, with similar hopes - May it "provide you an opportunity to reflect on the value of compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, and respect for the people in your life."
Too many of us stay
walled because we
are afraid of being hurt.
We are afraid to
care too much,
for fear that the
other person does
not care at all.
Eleanor Roosevelt
View to southeast across
Centennial Mall towards Wetherill (Richard Benbridge) Laboratory of
To have been
so deeply,
even though the person
who loved us is gone,
will give us some
protection forever.
Those who dance
are judged insane
by those who can't
hear the music.
George Carlin
Looking west towards
Stanley Coulter Hall.
will not follow where
the path may lead,
but I will go where
there is no path,
and I will leave a trail.
Muriel Strode
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Quote of the moment |
No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen. |
~ Epictetus, Discourses. Chap. xv. ~ |
Common sense isn't.
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